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Welcome to Arslanlı!


Arslanlı is a knitwear brand that is founded in 1962. Arslanlı is the company that introduced the Shetland sweaters and knitwear with argyle pattern. In 1962, Arslanlı started the production on hand looms and in 1968 with the imported the first knitwear machine from Germany. With the otomation in 2007, it reached capacity of 1.5 million units per year. In 2007, Arslanlı was exporting to knitwear to very important brands that were in Europe. Later, Arslanlı also started to create collections with its name on the products, which were sold around Turkey.
Arslanlı's rapid ascent in Turkey have been in the 1980s. Arslanlı is the first manufacturer in Turkey that produced sweaters with argyle pattern. The raw material that argyle is identified with is Shetland yarn. With the high demand and production, the Shetland sweaters were a trend and Arslanlı became more popular with its classic style. After introducing Turkey with argyle pattern in 1984, Arslanlı faced great demands. In the 2010s when Republic of Turkey made barter agreement with Russia, Russia was going to receive 1 million knitwear in exchange with gas. As a sample the Arslanlı knitwear were shown to Russians and that ended up with Russians liking Arslanlı knitwears. In return, Arslanlı managed to propel 1 million pieces of knitwear to Russia. Arslanlı was the first company to send a Turkish product to Russia and give good reference.
In 2014, IR-OR Tekstil Tic. Ltd. Şti. bought Arslanlı and in 2017 Arslanlı started sales on Kazak Dünyası ( website. With the production capacity and power of İR-OR, which is getting stronger nowadays, it aims to increase its national sales to become a popular Turkish brand.

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